Announcement: Lecture

Announcement: Lecture "Environmental Impact of the War in Ukraine: A Focus on Ukraine's Soil and Land Management"

On the 1st of February, we are hosting the lecture “Environmental Impact of the War in Ukraine: A Focus on Ukraine's Soil and Land Management“. About one-third of Ukraine's territory is either contaminated or mined. This is the size of an average European country. Ukraine is currently, experiencing the worst environmental disaster in terms of soil pollution per unit of time. Toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury leach from ammunition and weapons into the soil and contaminate it for decades or longer. If potential areas of contamination are not identified and recorded in time, harmful substances can enter the food chain and become carcinogenic. Thereby threatening global food security and export opportunities. Failure to act now could result in the deterioration of human health. It`s a deal of great importance to build capacity for mapping, monitoring and managing environmental risks from critically affected by the war Ukraine agricultural lands.

Dr. Olena Melnyk, Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich, Climate Policy Lab (Switzerland), Assoc. Prof. at Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine), Honorary Prof. at Royal Agricultural University (England). She is a member of the UNEP Environment Working Group: Humanitarian Response for Ukraine; a core team member of the project CAS Rebuild Ukraine (BFH, Switzerland); a member of the Swiss Network with Ukraine (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), The Peace Coalition Foundation (Canada). Her research interests include environmental impact assessment, soil remediation and carbon sequestration, climate policy and renewable energy sources, developing criteria for ecological safety, rational use of natural resources, and sustainable development.

The lecture will take place in person and on Zoom. A Q&A session and Apero in Foyer HG E-Nord will follow the lecture.

The lecture is organised as a part of the exhibition "ETH with Ukraine - Exchanging Knowledge for a Sustainable Future".  

📆 February 1, Thursday
🕝 18:30
🏛️ Main building of ETH Zurich, room HG E3
📍 Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich
👩‍💻Zoom link:
🗣️ Language: English
🆓 Entrance free

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