Announcement: Ukraine: beautiful and unbreakable

Announcement: Ukraine: beautiful and unbreakable

Since February 24, 2022, or, to be more precise, since February 2014, Ukraine has been predominantly perceived through the lens of war, accompanied by distressing news. The majority of publications concerning Ukraine now revolve around military actions and the plight of those who have been compelled to flee due to the unjust war. However, for Ukrainians and those with a pre-2014 interest in the country, Ukraine holds a much broader significance, encompassing its rich culture, historical heritage, stunning landscapes, amiable people, and UNESCO-designated landmarks, along with countless impressive locations.

On August 24, Ukraine commemorates its Independence Day, marking the significant milestone achieved on August 24, 1991. On this occasion, we aspire to present the true essence of Independent Ukraine, unveiling the beauty of its culture and diverse regions. Through a series of photographs provided to us by the organization Ukraїner, we seek to immerse you in the splendor of our nation and country.

Yet, we must not overlook the sobering reality that the war continues to cast its shadow. As a result, some of the featured photos and texts also capture the devastation inflicted by the war, be it upon the lives of its people, architectural treasures, or the pristine nature of Ukraine.

We hold the genuine hope that this exhibition leaves a profound impact on you, leading you to develop an affectionate attachment to our country. Through this experience, we aim for you to comprehend the reasons behind our unwavering commitment to fight for the well-being of every individual, preserving each building, and safeguarding every square centimeter of our beloved country.


📆 August 14 - August 27

📍 ETH HG G-Galerie
Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich