Language Tandem

Language Tandem

Would you like to learn the Ukrainian language or improve your Ukrainian language skills with a native speaker? Or maybe you are a Ukrainian who would like to improve your German, English, or, for instance, French skills with a native speaker? We can help you find your match!

Today, we are announcing the UASAZ Language Tandem where we help to find a language learning partner (where one participant is a Ukrainian native speaker and another one wants to learn Ukrainian) for everyone.

All you need is to register via the form (note: you need a separate form for each target language if you aim to have multiple tandem partnerships). Then we will find you a partner as soon as possible (it might happen that you need to wait a bit longer until your match appears on our platform). After this step, everything is up to you! You and your tandem partner decide how often and where you meet, how long your meetings are, and how you split this time.

Let's have fun and learn different languages together!

Registration link:

If you would like to cancel your registration, please, write us at