Movie screening

Movie screening "The Guide" ("Povodyr"), Oct 18

On October 18, the screening of “The Guide” (“Povodyr”), directed by Oles Sanin took place.

Set in the early 1930s in Soviet Ukraine, the movie tells the story of a ten-year-old American boy who escapes his father's killers and later is saved by a blind bard (Kobzar). Peter becomes Kobzar's guide with no other chance to survive in a foreign land in an attempt to find the way home.

Before the screening, we were honored to watch a short introduction video made by the main actor Anton Green, who played Peter. The screening was followed by one more video from Anton that answered FAQ about the movie, the process of its creation, and his experience on the set.

Lots of thanks to Anton for his effort in making videos for us as he was not able to join us online and thanks to everyone who joined us for the screening!