Ukrainian Association of
Students and Academics in Zurich

A community of like-minded people who are interested in Ukraine

People that stand with Ukraine in Zurich

About us

● a non-profit organisation headquartered in Zurich● facilitate connections between Ukrainians and everyone else interested in Ukraine● organise activities for, about, and related to Ukraine● spread and promote Ukrainian culture 


Any Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian residing in Switzerland and who is a● student, ● alumni, ● faculty member,● employee of the higher academic institution in Switzerland, Liechtenstein or Ukraine,andwho is interested in the activities of the UASAZ and agrees to follow the purposes of the UASAZ.The yearly membership fee is CHF 20.00.

girl with Ukrainian flag
girl with Ukrainian flag


If you want to support the development of the UASAZ and its activities, you can become a Sponsor of UASAZ.The minimum annual amount of sponsorship contribution is 100 CHF.



Oleh Kuzyk


MSc student at ETH ZürichSoftware Engineer at Stadler Rail



Mariia Svyrydenko


PhD student at ETH Zürich



Maryna Mazur


MSc student at ETH Zürich



Dr Anastasiia Shynkarenko

Public Relations & Charity Manager 

Postdoc at ETH Zürich     



Oleksandra Ortikova

Design & Communications Manager

PhD student at ETH Zürich



Yuliia Berezovska

Events Manager 

PhD student at ETH Zürich



Kseniia Shcherbak

Events Manager

MSc student at ETH Zürich



Maksym Vasylyk

Communications& Events Manager

BSc student at ETH Zürich 



Yuliia Virts

Social Media Manager

(Communications Committee)

Cultural Program Manager

Recurrent Events


Language Tandem

Would you like to learn the Ukrainian language or improve your Ukrainian language skills with a native speaker? Or maybe you are a Ukrainian who would like to improve your German, English, or, for instance, French skills with a native speaker? We can help you find your match!


Running Club

Step into a world of fitness with the UASAZ Running Club! Our weekly runs, which take place every Sunday, are designed to enhance your fitness journey while fostering connections within our community.


External Events

List of events related to Ukraine (organised not by UASAZ)


Useful information for newcomers in Zurich


Attention!Health insurance is required for everyone in Switzerland
Links● General information about insurance● Health insurance for international students● Insurance price comparison● Become a Rega patron

Transport Network

Tips● Public transport with a half-fare discount is cheaper. ● Buy a daily ticket on all Swiss Network (except some mountain lifts and special trains) in your Gemeinde
Links● Zurich transport network ● Swiss transport network

Shops and Restaurants

Schedule● Monday to Saturday are workdays● Sunday is a day off
Links ● ETH Restaurants and Cafeterias● UZH Mensas

Language education

TipsYou can learn German with the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich as well as with our UASAZ Language Tandem
Links● German courses● ETH tandem learnings● Autonomous learning

Mobile operator

Tips:Some mobile operators offer Ukrainians free SIM cards with free Internet access and phone calls.
Links:● Swisscom● Sunrise

Tips from ETH and AVETH

Information from ETH and AVETH on arriving in Switzerland, living in Zurich, looking for jobs and doctoral positions, being a doctoral student, using ETH services, taxes, etc.Welcome Center of ETHSurvival guide from AVETH

Ukrainian Organisations in Switzerland

There are several organisations in Switzerland uniting Ukrainians and those passionate about Ukraine. You can find a group of people with shared interests, whether it is education, culture, sport, or social activities!Ukrainian Organisations in Switzerland

girl with Ukrainian flag

Our sponsors

● Maryna Bodnarchuk, Dr.● Maksym Kovalenko, Prof. Dr.● Dmytro Levchenko● Peter Näf● Taras Rudyy● Artem Samorodov, Dr.● Yurii Samsoniuk● Johannes Sarnthein● Ulrich Schutz